Better Feed.

Benson Hill is revolutionizing animal feed with soybeans that meet the specific desires and nutrition requirements of animal producers. Our Ultra-High Protein, Low Oligosaccharide (UHP-LO) soybean varieties deliver up to 20 percent higher protein and more than 90 percent fewer anti-nutrients in the soybean meal, leading to more metabolizable energy, improved animal performance, better digestibility, and consistent results in a range of species from poultry to aquaculture.

Better feed doesn’t just benefit animals—it empowers growers with greater profitability per acre. Soybean growers can now make seed decisions not just based on input traits like yield, but also on quality traits that add value for animal nutritionists and feed formulators, ultimately driving profitability for all players. By 2026, our UHP-LO soybeans are expected to yield on par with elite GMO varieties, offering growers a more sustainable (deforestation-free and ProTerra™ certified), non-GMO alternative that doesn’t sacrifice field performance.

By accelerating the launch of herbicide-tolerant UHP-LO varieties, Benson Hill is putting more tools in the hands of growers to enable broadacre adoption and easier weed management, empowering them to satisfy market demands for high-performance animal feed and optimize natural resources and on-farm inputs. Plus, compared to conventional soybean meal or soy protein concentrate, Benson Hill’s proprietary UHP-LO soybean varieties have the potential to benefit the larger feed industry with a more nutritious, more efficient protein source.


Learn how Broiler feed formulated with Benson Hill UHP-LO soybean meal could yield better outcomes in your operation.


Learn how Benson Hill High Oleic, Low Linolenic COVAL soybean varieties meet the needs of the dairy industry.


Explore how Benson Hill UHP-LO soybean meal delivers protein ingredients specifically for the needs of the aquaculture industry.


Our Ultra-High Protein, Low Oligosaccharide (UHP-LO) soybean offers digestibility and nutrition benefits ideally suited for the animal feed market with its blend of higher protein concentration + lower anti-nutrients (oligosaccharides) + improved mix of amino acids.

UHP-LO soybeans are suitable for use in poultry feed, swine feed, aquaculture feed (for species like salmon, trout and shrimp), and for use in human food (such as protein and dairy alternatives and meat extension applications).


High Protein, Food Grade Non-GMO

High Protein-clear hilum soybeans are suitable for use in specialty foods.


Low Oligosaccharides, High Oleic (Greater than 75%) and Low Lin (Less than 2.5%)

Soybeans with Low Oligosaccharides and High Oleic, Low Linolenic, and Linoleic Oil are suitable for use in animal feed (such as poultry, swine, and dairy cows) and human food cooking applications like baking, frying, and dressings.

High Oleic, Low Linolenic (HOLL)

High Oleic, Low Linolenic, and Linoleic Oil soybeans are suitable for use in animal feed (such as dairy cows) and human food cooking applications like baking, frying, and dressings.
