Dairy Feed

Feed With Confidence

Benson Hill® High Oleic, Low Linolenic COVAL soybean varieties meet the needs of the dairy industry. By incorporating COVAL soybeans into dairy cow rations, producers can deliver a performance feed that increases milk fat production while reducing costs.

Better Beans

Benson Hill has a portfolio of High Oleic, Low Linolenic (HOLL) soybean varieties. Benson Hill® COVAL varieties have the HOLL trait, as well as high protein and more simple sugars. Find COVAL varieties that fit your growing region.

Better Outcomes

Benson Hill High Oleic, Low Linolenic (HOLL) COVAL soybeans create more value for dairy farmers compared to conventional soybeans.

Feeding full-fat ground HOLL soybeans to dairy cattle has been shown to increase milk fat levels by an average of 6% compared to conventional soybeans.2
By substituting 5% of dairy ration dry matter with HOLL soybeans (ground or roasted), producers can increase milk income by up to $0.27 per cow per day.4
Dairy cows fed High Oleic soybean oil have significant increase in body condition score.5

Resource Links

  1. United States Soybean Quality Annual Report 2024, Univ. of MN  (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O6fFSOcuCtlKuHhwvXAXB25SBYOm6wd2/view)
  2. Weld and Armentano, 2018, J. Dairy Sci 101:9768-9776 (https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2018-14498)
  3. Plenish® High Oleic Soybeans for On-farm Feeding, 2024 (https://www.pioneer.com/us/agronomy/plenish-soybeans-on-farm-feeding.html)
  4. Nicholson et al, 2024, J. Dairy Sci 107:3642-3650 (https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2023-23738)
  5. Hanno et al, 2024, JDS Commun 5:287-292 (https://doi.org/10.3168/jdsc.2023-0411)

Pioneer® and Plenish® are registered trademarks of Corteva Agriscience.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Producers and nutritionists, contact Chris Roth for information on how Benson Hill COVAL varieties can benefit your business.


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